A Legacy for Our Future
As part of AFH Founder Emeritus Susan Rodgerson’s transition strategy—to provide AFH with the financial
stability and confidence to succeed—in 2021 AFH deployed a campaign to raise operating reserves and transition funding.
Long-time supporter and partner The Lynch Foundation stepped in with a 3:1 matching challenge grant of $500,000,
contingent upon securing a further $1.5M in commitments. In addition, AFH received a pledge from an anonymous foundation for an
additional $500,000 to reduce AFH’s remaining capital debt from our 2019 facility expansion.
We are delighted to share that in 2022, AFH successfully met our Lynch Legacy match challenge, and secured $2M towards the Lynch-Hale Legacy Fund through a $1M donation from Karen and Rob Hale through their family foundation, Fox Rock Foundation, $100,000 from the Wilson Sheehan Foundation, and a further $400,000 secured from 18 individual and corporate donors listed in this annual report. We are so grateful for the leadership and vision of our supporters, which ensured our founder’s commitment to providing AFH with the most secure possible footing for the future. We are ready for the next 30 years of serving our city’s talented youth!
We are delighted to share that in 2022, AFH successfully met our Lynch Legacy match challenge, and secured $2M towards the Lynch-Hale Legacy Fund through a $1M donation from Karen and Rob Hale through their family foundation, Fox Rock Foundation, $100,000 from the Wilson Sheehan Foundation, and a further $400,000 secured from 18 individual and corporate donors listed in this annual report. We are so grateful for the leadership and vision of our supporters, which ensured our founder’s commitment to providing AFH with the most secure possible footing for the future. We are ready for the next 30 years of serving our city’s talented youth!

Our Generous
We are continually grateful for the support of many!

$2,500 - $9,999

$10,000 - $49,999

$50,000 - $99,999

$100,000 - $249,999

$250,000 - $499,999

$500,000 - $999,999
