When a Venue Is More Than a Space
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2022 was a banner year to gather, celebrate, learn, engage, be entertained, and embrace change in the AFH Event Space! With over 100 events, ranging from a celebrated jazz series to environmental justice forums, creative non-profit fundraisers to corporate global leadership training, and the most beautiful weddings on a passel of Saturdays, we played host to over 25,000 guests with whom we had the pleasure to share space.  

AFH's mission, and our highly regarded teen-created art and design, were frequently front and center in our clients' decisions to host their event at AFH. The alignment between events held at AFH and AFH program goals continues to build, and we are considered the best combination of space, creativity, and social value in the region!
"Thank you so much for a wonderful evening.  Everyone really enjoyed themselves and only had wonderful things to say about AFH, your mentors, and the teen artists. We can't wait to host our party again next year at AFH!"
Lisa Civittolo , VP Human Resources , GID (General Investment and Development)